
Welcome to New Fun Comic Book Reviews (named after the first DC comic book series, “New Fun: The Big Comic Magazine”). I started this blog in honor of the 80th Year Anniversary of DC Comics (2015) and the 75th Year Anniversary of Marvel Comics (2014). Enjoy!

I am now taking requests from comments on my posts about what I should review next. It could nearly anything made from 1935- (insert current year here), and although I’ll mostly review DC and Marvel, I like a lot of other things as well. So if you have anything in mind that’s not DC or Marvel, request it! I’m always willing to try things, so just let me know if you want me to review anything and I’ll see if I can review it. Once I’ve completed your requested review, I’ll send you a link to it by reply. Please know that I’m making no promises as I may not be able to do your requested review because there are some things that are just unacceptable to me (not many though), but I will try to do it.


17 thoughts on “About

  1. Bill Baker

    Great site. I have always loved old radio shows especially superhero related shows. it is great to see a new generation appreciating these shows.


  2. chuckxsbj Post author

    Thanks! I’m actually just minutes away from completing my review of The Dark Knight Returns #1.


  3. BrownCoat311

    Quite the collection of great reviews here! Can’t wait to continue to read them. Would be curious to know if any of the Star Wars comic series would be in the future works? Keep up the good work!


  4. chuckxsbj Post author

    Thanks! I’m pretty proud of it. Sure, I’ll review Marvel’s Star Wars #1-6 from 1977, once I’m done with DC: The New Frontier.


  5. Mr. Letkiewicz

    I would love to hear your reviews on the Wolverine Mini Series from 1982 (1-4, Sept. 1982-Dec. 1982). Art by Frank Miller and written by Chris Claremont.

    Thanks!!! – Mr. L

    Accidentally posted this as a reply to Star Wars. 😦


  6. chuckxsbj Post author

    Sure! I’ll review Wolverine #1-4 as soon as I’m done with Star Wars #6. I’ve actually been wanting to read that series ever since I saw The Wolverine (the movie that’s based on that comic) in theaters back in 2013 while I was in Disney World during the summer after 7th grade.

    P.S.: It doesn’t matter where you post your requests. My blog notifies me whenever I have a new comment on any of my posts 🙂


  7. Wendy Eldridge

    Wow, you show some real understanding of your characters and the stories. The blog is very well put together and thought out. Good work!


  8. Spencer Carr

    Love these reviews, it’s easy to see how much you like reading and reviewing comics when you put this much hard work into your reviews.


  9. Wendy

    Well, you’ve done it again. A great review! It seems to me that you dig in and really get to know what the story and characters are all about. Keep up the good work!


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